
An extended Family of 300 talented people

We value our People

For over 70 years our employees have played the main role in building RODI and transforming it into what it is today. 

Together we built an organizational culture based on family values, ambition, innovation, resilience, and respect. We are committed to creating valuable products that transform our community’s experiences. 

  • "After all these years of working with a multi-tasking team, and in a good environment between colleagues, my feeling is still the same as it was on my first day: it is with great pleasure and pride that I work at RODI. I am aware that the current climate has not been easy for companies in general, but RODI stayed firm on the market, without ever forgetting the well-being and motivation of its employees. I also know that the company’s future will be bright and of growth and I know that’s great for the RODI team."

    Maria Rodrigues

    Packager  ·  At RODI for 31 years

  • "Working at RODI means being challenged daily to use our abilities and to challenge ourselves to find new solutions directed to a sustainable future. It is with satisfaction and pride that I’m part of the RODI family."

    Rémy Silva

    CFO  ·  At RODI for 6 years

  • "There is a quote that states that if we enjoy what we are doing, it seems that time flies by. I have had that feeling since I started working at RODI! This is only possible because working at RODI is working at a professional company with a good environment between teams, always sharing knowledge and experiences. I’m extremely grateful for being able to accompany the company’s evolution and growth and to me, RODI is a synonym for innovation and continuous improvement."

    Mário Rumor

    Engineer at Continuous Improvement Department  ·  At RODI for 7 years

  • "Over time, RODI became more than a workplace, and now means learning, knowledge, professional value, and above all, personal value. I like what I do and that’s why I’m here, and I intend to continue to be part of the RODI family."

    Clarisse Cruz

    Industrial Logistics Officer  ·  At RODI for 16 years

  • "To me, RODI is a synonym for Innovation. As a service provider, in 2000 I registered for the first time the domain, and thus the company started to be able to send and receive e-mails. Every day, I’m proud of having introduced the internet successfully to the company. As an employee, I’m here for 7 years and I can guarantee that my mission is to continue to develop projects which will always take us beyond, in terms of change in communications, a long-awaited reality, nowadays more palpable in our daily lives."

    João Mealha

    IT Manager  ·  At RPDI for 7 years

  • "Throughout the years, RODI has been a pleasant surprise to me, because it is always embracing new challenges, in constant change and becoming larger and more prosperous. I work every day with pleasure and dedication to this company, which is part of my life."

    Maria João Morgado

    Account Assistant  ·  At RODI for 34 years

  • "I am proud and satisfied for being part of this company, and for the values it passes on to its employees."

    Luís Costa

    Head of the Drilling Section  ·  At RODI for 24 years

  • "To me, RODI is a "living" and dynamic company, of which I am proud to be part of and I am aware that I actively contribute to its continuous growth and for it to continue to be a reference company."

    Lurdes Figueiredo

    Head of Integrated Systems  ·  At RODI for 6 years

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